
Our dedicated team of volunteers—including conservationists, outdoor enthusiasts, specialists, and academics—supports our mission by using their time and expertise to drive meaningful environmental change.

Clifford Roberts

Clifford Roberts has been a journalist since 1993. He's dodged bullets on the Paris Périphérique; watched the sun rise over the temples of Old Bagan; survived a burning ferry on an Icelandic fjord, all in pursuit of ...

Cooper Graham

A conservation photographer from San Diego, California, he focuses on Southern California's mountain lions, highlighting their beauty and challenges and advocates for their protection and ecosystem.

Craig Schwartz

Craig is an award-winning photographer in the PNW and a wildlife and nature enthusiast. His work has been featured in PhotoVogue, Marika, and Artells.

Damon Coulter

Damon Coulter is a documentary photographer from Kent in the UK who has been covering news and social issues in Japan for the last twenty years. Wildlife photography is a recent passion.

Devan Schowe

Devan works as a Campaigns Associate for the wildlife conservation and animal welfare organization Born Free USA to fight against the exploitation of wild animals in captivity. She holds an MSc in Primate Conservation ...

Diane McLeish

Diane is a freelance writer and lives in Kenya on the shores of Lake Naivasha in the Great Rift Valley. She has travelled extensively especially in sub Saharan Africa.

Dorothy Queiros

Dr Dorothy Queiros is a senior lecturer in the Department of Applied Management, Unisa. Her research interests centre on sustainable tourism, people-parks relationships, community pro-conservation attitudes/behaviour, ...

Duncan MacFadyen

Dr Duncan MacFadyen, Head of Research and Conservation at Oppenheimer Generations. The research department supports, funds and facilitates national and international researchers.

Erika Atienza

Erika help and encourage others to visit Africa. She aims to show the Real Africa by living local and traveling sustainably.

Fiona McIntosh

Fiona McIntosh is a freelance travel writer who lives on the slopes of Table Mountain. An avid hiker, rock climber, and scuba diver, she adventures all in the name of work.

Gareth Coombs

Independent environmental consultant at Umsintsi Consulting in Grahamstown

Genevieve Theron

Dr Genevieve Theron is a Researcher in entomology at the Agricultural Research Council

Herman Jordaan

Herman Jordaan is a retired Nature Conservator. During his career, he was based at various game reserves in the Free State and Eastern Cape provinces of South Africa. His post-graduate studies were focused mainly on wh...

Jane Marsh

Jane Marsh is an environmental journalist and the Editor-in-Chief of She covers all things related to the environment, sustainability and renewable energy.

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