Adriaan Buys

Founder and Editor at Conservation Mag | PhD, Environmentalist, Researcher, Consultant, Photographer, Speaker. Get in touch at

Do you still have some climate denier friends? NASA just released their latest climate change visuaisation that depicts global temperatures betwee...

Fantastic depiction of how the prommises of jobs and economic upliftment that stem from coal and coal powered power stations harm communities more ...

Development, growth, probably two of the words that get me the most concerned. What if everyone, all seven-plus billion of us just did a little dev...

Netflix has made the entire Our Planet series available on Youtube. If you have not experienced the marvel, now is the time. Share the wonder of th...

CAT's unchallenged thermal imaging technology encased in a tough as nails package comes in handy in the fight against rhino poaching. Technological...

As the world looks for ways to tackle both an unprecedented health crisis and the ongoing climate crisis, the Flower Valley Conservation Trust in t...

"humankind has invented air travel, vaccines and computers. We've explored every part of the globe, sequenced the human genome and even escaped Ear...

The WWF Nedbank Green Trust’s slogan, Igniting new ways for people and nature to thrive, has never been more relevant or imperative than it is in...

I am a bridge camera enthusiast, especially when it comes to my outdoor adventures. I provide you with a form factor to easily take along on a bird...

Fantastic video by 'Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell' highlighting the plight of our planet in 10 minutes. Climate change is a reality lets look for so...


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