50 Minutes to Save the World - Youtube movie on conserving our oceans hit 1.1m views in 1 week

"We were given the gift of life on a planet filled with everything we could ever need... we have come to a crossroads we can either make history, or we will become history the key to saving our beautiful world starts with you." Amir Zakeri

Key Considerations

  • Carbon emissions cause global warming and ocean acidification which in turn is harmful to our oceans
  • Run-off pollution and sunscreen can harm biodiversity and coral reefs
  • Three hundred eighty-one million tons of plastic is entangling and harming sea life. Stop single-use plastic.
Enjoyed this movie? - Watch an excellent 45 minute Youtube video about the Pangolin. An animal that may go extinct in our lifetime before most know it exists.
I was first made aware of this movie on social media Twitter to be exact (find me here). At first glance, the title appealed to me as of course, it would. Little did I know that the movie will be about coral reefs and keep me fascinated and glued to the screen. The "50 minutes to save the world" film takes you around the globe looking at some of the most magnificent reefs in the world and the pressures on their existence.
The visual journey takes you to the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, Hawai, Tahiti, Belize, South Arica and Seychelles. The effect that the human population has had on the reefs and the global ocean has been astronomical. The movie indicates that 2050 is the projected year that all coral reefs will cease to exist if we do not do something urgently.

Highlights from the "50 minutes to save our world" Youtube film

The 50 Minutes to save the world video highlights the four most significant contributors to the death of our reefs and oceans and what you can do to help prevent it:
  1. The use of oil and its contribution to global warming, being able to curb it is the deciding factor to live with or without coral reefs. Reduce your dependence.
  2. Run-off pollution by pesticides that go directly into our oceans, killing marine life and coral reefs. Stop spraying lawns and vegetation with harmful chemicals.
  3. Fourteen thousand tons of sunscreen is deposited in our oceans every year. Oxybenzone and Octinoxate have been found to kill the reef even in tiny amounts. Use "reef safe" sunscreen.
  4. 381million tons of plastic produced in 2017, only 9% get recycled. One million marine animals get killed annually due to entanglement and ingestion. Reduce plastic usage and try and cut out single-use plastic. 

Indeed a must watch movie highlighting the beauty of our earth and the pressures it is under due to the human impact. Tell all your family share it on. Let's make a difference.

Find out more about the ocean conservation charities featured in the film and some of their continued conservation initiatives at https://savethereef.org.

Adriaan Buys
Adriaan BuysEnvironmentalist, Speaker & Green Strategy Consultant
Adriaan Buys, the founder of ConservationMag.org. As an environmental journalist and speaker, he is passionate about telling the stories of those who cannot speak. Adriaan assists businesses with green strategy design. He holds a PhD in Environmental Management. Contact him for consulting or keynote speaking engagements at adriaanbuys.com.

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